A popular question among property owners is whether to change their locks or to rekey them. Changing the locks includes getting an entirely new set, where rekeying is a simple swap of the pins and springs in the lock cylinder. There are a few reasons as to why a property owner may want one option over the other.

A New Style Requires Lock Changes Instead of Rekey Locks in Tampa 

Some homeowners and business owners are looking to remodel, and that may mean changing the style. There are a plethora of different types of locks and door handles. Often, they can come together. However, if a property owner is merely looking to change the keys, rekey locks are the better option. A common reason to have a professional do a rekeying is if there’s a change in ownership or if a person moves out of the home. Some individuals may give their contractors a set of keys during a remodel, only to need new locks when the job is over.  

When considering a change or rekeying, it’s crucial to hire a locksmith. The reason being is that they can tell a customer which method is preferable for the lock in question. Some property owners don’t even know that rekeying is an option. Luckily, locksmith experts can give their clients a few differing choices. Another reason to hire a professional is that they have a vast array of knowledge. A homeowner may look at their lock and say that it is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced. An expert may look at that very same lock and see that it merely needs lubricant or a few small adjustments. By hiring an experienced locksmith, property owners avoid overpaying.  

If you’re looking to change the locks on your home or business, consider to rekey locks in Tampa instead. At We Do Locksmith, we pride ourselves on providing security for all of our customers. We understand that keeping your property safe is a top priority, which is why we only work with high-quality products. Our skills and knowledge allow our team to do installations with ease. Whether you’re looking to replace your deadbolts, cam locks, rim locks, and more, we have you covered. Call 813-551-0090 today and sleep better knowing that your property is locked down with We Do Locksmith!