If you have ever been in the situation where your business or home has suffered a break-in then you know exactly how it feels to feel hopeless –  like you have no sense of security. This can be a traumatic experience that unfortunately many people have to go through every year. The worst part too isn’t that your valuables and money are stolen, but that the person who did the theft could still be out there. When people talk about burglaries, they often never think it can happen to them and rarely even see it happen in their community; however, it is a sad reality of the world we live in. After a robbery, you may be wondering what you can do to move on and restore things as close to normal as possible. And while things may never be 100% back to normal, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that your new normal can be peaceful and restore some feelings of security in you. Keep reading below to follow along with the steps.

The most important thing to remember during the aftermath is that you will recover from this and become stronger. It may take time but you are strong enough to handle. We have laid out 3 steps for you take that will help your business and you feel secure:

Step 1: Call 911 and Document EVERYTHING

First things first, you need to call the cops. The cops are going to be able to assist you and hopefully track down the person who broke into your business. They will conduct a thorough investigation and ask you questions about our business and the people you know. This may take some time but you must tell them everything you know, even if you do not think that the information could be helpful. You never know if a piece of information can crack the case.  After someone breaks in chances are the place is going to be a mess. This is the least of your worries right now because you need to make sure you document everything. The evidence you have is the mess the burglar left behind. You should take this opportunity to walk around and take note of things you notice that are missing, out of place, and things you think would be of interest to the police. This can help you feel better as you will now know what is and isn’t missing.

Step 2: Make an Insurance Claim

Business insurance protects you in case of property damages, lost income, and other covered losses. This includes when crime such as a burglary occurs. Your business insurance can help you get the business back to normal and fix any damage that was done during the burglary. 

On the claim, you are going to need to be very specific to ensure you get compensated for everything that was broken, stolen, and vandalized. Be sure to create a thorough list for both the insurance company and law enforcement in case your property is found by the police or paid out by the insurance company. Documenting everything during this step is very important.


Step 3: Consider Getting More Security

After a burglary happens you are going to be especially shaken up, this is even more so true if the person who stole from you has not been caught yet. You may even be terrified that they will hit your business again. The best thing you can do for your business and your mental health is to upgrade your security. At this point you should consider changing locks, getting cameras, and getting an alarm system. All of these things combined can create a safer and more secure environment.

At We Do Locksmith we understand how helpless you can feel after a burglary has occurred at your business. You may feel victimized and like you have lost everything. While you did have a hard experience, we know that with the proper security installed and over time you will begin to feel safer and more comfortable again. Our staff will also work with you directly to help restore your sense of safety and security. To learn more about how we can help you with security, give us a call at (407) 845-9946.